You can do a lot to support and encourage low-risk drinking among your friends and family.
Be a positive role model
- enjoy yourself without alcohol
- model how to refuse a drink/avoid pressure to drink
- if drinking, do so within the low-risk drinking guidelines
- if you are driving or responsible for looking after children, don’t drink
- if you are concerned about your drinking, seek help from your GP or other health professional. This will model help-seeking behaviour.
- be alcohol-free if you are planning to have a baby or are pregnant. Support those around you who might be pregnant by being alcohol-free too.
Spread the word - Promote informed choice
As opportunities arise, guide people in your life to relevant information on alcohol and to the low-risk drinking guidelines.
If you have a group or network that you belong to, work together to raise awareness in your community about alcohol and share relevant information and links to low-risk drinking guidelines or other tools.
See Mobilising Others for more information and support |
Assist people to get the help they need
If you have any concerns about the alcohol use of people in your life, assist them or their family to get professional help.
Help can be reached at your GP/local medical centre, school counsellor or local Community Alcohol and Drug Service.
Alcohol and Drug Helpline is a useful starting point for anyone who has concerns about their own or others drinking. They will be able to support you towards the best course of action and local services including youth services - 0800 787 797.
Change the wider environment to support low-risk drinking
Taking action on environmental factors will support low-risk drinking. For example, you could foster and mobilise others to:
- Reduce the availability of alcohol
- Increase the price of alcohol
- Restrict alcohol adverting and sponsorship
- Increase the legal purchase age to 20 years
- Promote the uptake of early and brief intervention