If you have any concerns about alcohol use by young people in your life then you will need to assist them or their family to get professional help.
Help can be reached at your GP/local medical centre, school counsellor or local Community Alcohol and Drug Service.
Alcohol and Drug Helpline is a useful starting point for anyone who has concerns about their own or others drinking. They will be able to support you towards the best course of action and local services including youth services - phone 0800 787 797
Ensure that any information provided to young people about alcohol and/or other drugs is factual and accurate, and appropriate for their development
Ensure that information is delivered by someone who has the skills and knowledge to understand the needs of the young people
It is most effective to focus on building and developing life and personal skills – such as effective communication strategies, assertiveness, media awareness, problem-solving, setting goals and leadership. These are the sorts of skills young people will need to support them in making decisions and choices that support their well-being and achieving their potential. These skills can be developed at school, but they can also be developed within the family/whanau and through extra-curricular activities.
Information that focuses only on the dangers of alcohol use, generally isn’t helpful or effective.
Education alone is not going to solve our heavy drinking culture in young people. We need to advocatefor stronger alcohol laws to protect them, please click here.