Take Action

Contact your local council to find out if there is a policy concerning advertising on public transport vehicles and or infrastructure, and if there is any reference to alcohol advertising.

If there is an existing policy:

What does the policy include or not include? Does it restrict all alcohol advertisements on public transport?

Find out which agency which is responsible for enforcing any policy. Sometimes, it is the responsibility of transport operator or an advertising agency rather than the Council to adhere to and enforce the policy.

- Making a complaint

You can make a complaint if you believe a policy has been breached.

Gather as much information as possible to support your complaint, e.g. time, place, bus route, and details of the alcohol advertisement.

Report the complaint to the group which enforces the policy – this may be the Council, the transport operator, or an advertising agency.  If the complaint is going to a transport operator or advertising agency, you might consider including a local Councillor in the correspondence.

Take a photo if possible

Click here for a template that you may adopt to REPORT or make a complaint about any alcohol advertisement on public transport

Where to find further information  

Public Transport Agency – raise your concern to the public transport agency in your region so that they can commence investigation. Even if they are not responsible for advertisements on public transport, it is still worthwhile to raise the concern to them because they will have the contract with bus companies.

Link to public transport agencies in major cities:

If there is no existing policy that relates to alcohol advertising and public transport:

Collect evidence on alcohol advertising and public transport in your community. Include this information in an incident log. 

Incident Log - alcohol advertising on public transport

Contact your local council to ask why a policy has not been developed, or whether it is currently being written. Try to find out the key dates regarding the renewal of contracts with transport operators and or advertising agencies – this is an important time to request that the transport agency consider imposing restrictions on alcohol advertising in the relevant contracts.

Letter Template - request a policy to restrict alcohol advertising on public transport

Highlight the importance of protecting your community from alcohol advertising.  Please check out the section on Mobilising Others - click here for information on how to seek out other interested community members and how to advocate to get your message across.