1. If you are supplying alcohol to a young person

As required by law, any supply of alcohol to young people must be done in a responsible manner. Below are some suggestions.

If you are supplying alcohol;

  • Make sure you know how much alcohol is being consumed – e.g. pour a small glass yourself or provide alcohol in single serve bottles or cans, and check the number of standard drinks in these beverages. Some might include more than one standard drink. Make sure you stay within the low risk drinking guidelines
  • Have non-alcoholic and low alcohol beverages available.
  • Ensure substantial food is part of the mix.
  • Slow consumption e.g. alternate non-alcoholic beverages if you are allowing more than one drink.
  • Be with them or nearby – you don’t have to hover around them but you do need to be keeping an active eye and ear out, and be available if needed. Avoid letting them take the alcohol away from the home or where you are.

Remember you are not able to provide alcohol to any other young people without the express consent of their parent or guardian.

See the Tips for Hosts prepared by the Health Promotion Agency