Your local council may already have an Alcohol Control Bylaw currently in place – this means that some parts of your district already have alcohol restrictions for public places. You can check your council’s website or contact them to find out.
If the area of your concern is included in the existing bylaw then you may wish to ask the Council to check the signage and also to ask the Police about monitoring of the area.
This is where an alcohol incident log will come in handy. Share your incident log with the Council. |
The information you gather in your community can also be considered by District Licensing Committees when they are considering applications for new and renewals of licences for alcohol outlets in the vicinity. In licensing terms these matters are particularly relevant to the impact of alcohol on the amenity and good order of the locality. Click here to read our section on Licensing |
If the public place you are concerned about is not included in the current bylaw then you can request that it is.
Contact your local council’s policy team who will be able to advise you on how to do this and what they require from you. Information on alcohol policies and bylaws can usually be found on the Council’s website.
Talk with your neighbours, local schools, Marae, sports clubs etc, and ask them about any concerns they have. Ask if they would support a request for an alcohol ban in the area.
You can contact your local councillor or Local/Community board member/s to discuss your concerns. You may wish do this in person and/or to put this in writing. This will allow you to gather their support for the alcohol ban. They might consider holding a public meeting to discuss concerns.
Host a neighbourhood meeting to discuss the issues and support for different options.
If you have a Neighbourhood Support group, Residents Association, or other similar group active in your area make contact with them. If not, you might like to start a group.
Make a submission – if there is an Alcohol Control Bylaw consultation occurring in your district then you can make a submission to the Council.
Circulate a flyer, social media post, etc to your friends and neighbours advising them of the consultation process and encourage them to make a submission as well. Don’t forget to tell them when the deadline for submissions is. You can send them a template or link them to this site if they need assistance.
It may be appropriate to speak to local media to highlight the problems and generate wider consideration of these, please visit the Communications section.