5. References - Risky Drinking (including alcohol & pregnancy)

References - Risky Drinking (including pregnancy)

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  18. Cook JL, Green CR, Lilley CM, Anderson SM, Baldwin ME, Chudley AE, Conry JL, LeBlanc N, Loock CA, Lutke J, Mallon BF. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: a guideline for diagnosis across the lifespan. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2016; 188(3):191-7.
  19. FASD Working Group. Taking Action on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: 2016–2019: An Action Plan. Wellington: Ministry of Health. 2016. Retrieved from http://www.health.govt.nz/publication/taking-action-fetal-alcohol-spectrum-disorder-2016-2019-action-plan [Accessed 9 November 2017].