Organise alcohol-free events - encourage activities and social gatherings for young people that are alcohol-free:
- Support/facilitate a discussion with young people about what form these could take, and involve them in the planning.
Visit GOOD VIBES to enable young people to develop alcohol-free events |
- These could include indoor games challenges; outdoor activities – e.g. walks/tramps; music concert/dance; cultural activities such as kapa haka; singing; study/homework groups; community development initiatives – such as helping to re-develop local park/playground, community garden or supporting conservation efforts, helping others – such as a working bee to help an older resident with a task, helping to prepare Marae or other venue before event/clean-up after; fundraising events for school or local facilities. What about an inter-village/town challenge where young people of two or three local areas come together to “compete” in one or more fun challenges – the young people can decide what the “rules” are.