Minister of Justice

Hon Paul Goldsmith

New Zealand's key alcohol legislation, the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 (SSAA 2012), is administered and enforced by the Ministry of Justice. The Ministry is also responsible for providing policy advice with regards to alcohol-related offending and crime prevention. Hon Paul Goldsmith is the Minister of Justice.

The object of the SSAA2012 is to minimise the harm caused by the excessive or inappropriate consumption of alcohol. In relation to alcohol pricing, Section 237 of the Act restricts the promotion and/or advertising of alcohol that:

  • encourages excessive consumption
  • advertises or promotes discounts of 25% or more

As such, if you are seeking amendments to this Act then the Ministry of Justice is a key starting point.

In addition to administering the SSAA2012, the Ministry also oversees the Alcohol Regulatory and Licensing Authority, the District Licensing Committees (local bodies which make decisions on liquor licence applications), and determines appeals against elements of the Provisional Local Alcohol Policies.

In 2014, the Ministry led a project on exploring the effectiveness of alcohol minimum pricing policies; which recommended that a minimum price not be considered again until 2019, to allow the new SSAA to bed in and its impact on harmful drinking assessed.

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