1. Collect your thoughts and facts together

Collect your thoughts and facts together

Here are some questions to assist:

  • What behaviours are concerning you? What impact are these having on the community, students, school or university?
  • Are there particular students and/or other people or groups that are associated with the behaviours? Who are these people and what connection do they have to the school/university?
  • Are there particular times or activities that are associated with the problems? How is this affecting the school/university or community?
  • Are there particular places/areas that are associated with the problems?
  • How is the alcohol being sourced/supplied?
  • How long have the problems been occurring, or are the problems new and if so what has changed?
  • Are the problems associated with a licensed premises? Do the problems indicate there could be breaches of the licence conditions? Have there been any enforcement issues raised by the regulatory agencies? For more information, click on Licensing.
  • Does the school/university have links to the alcohol industry e.g. sponsorships? If so what is the nature of these links?
  • Who owns any building/facilities associated with the problems? Who is responsible for their care and maintenance?
  • Who are the people who make decisions relating to the school/university – e.g. Board of Trustees, Principal, Vice Chancellor? Who are the people who have responsibilities for student health and well-being – Proctor, student health services, Public Health nurses? Do you have any connections with any of these people?
  • Are you aware of any existing policies or programmes aimed at addressing alcohol-related harm?
  • Are you aware of others who share your concerns?
  • What do you think might improve the behaviour and reduce the risks?

Download the above questions as a checklist