A club licence allows the sale or supply of alcohol for consumption on club premises ONLY to club members, their guests and/or members of other clubs with reciprocal visiting rights.
Club premises include sports clubs, RSAs, etc.
It is important to note that alcohol is not available for sale to the general public.
Requirements for a club licence (e.g. sports clubs, RSAs)
All club-licences must:
- have non-alcoholic drinks and low-alcoholic drinks (2.5% ethanol by volume) available for sale.
- have a range of food available for sale at a reasonable price and provided within a reasonable time.
- provide information about transportation options for their customers.
A club is not required to have a Duty Manager onsite for the sale of alcohol - unless this is specified by the licensing committee.
Other conditions can be placed on a club licence by the District Licensing Committee
Supply of alcohol to minors (under 18 years) at clubs
At club premises minors can only be supplied with alcohol if:
- The minor is accompanied by his or her parent or guardian; and
- the alcohol is supplied by his or her parent or guardian.
However, minors are not allowed to buy alcohol. A guardian to a minor is a person who is considered as a guardian according to the Care of Children Act 2004.
Intoxication in clubs
It is illegal for clubs to serve someone who is intoxicated or allow someone who is intoxicated to remain on the club premises.
Someone is intoxicated when showing two or more of the following signs, after consuming alcohol, other drugs or substances. The Health Promotion Agency has created an easy way for people to remember – S C A B
- Speech is impaired
- Coordination is impaired
- Appearance is affected
- Behaviour is impaired
For more information, see the definition of intoxication in section 5 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.