Check the event details and any alcohol restrictions. If you cannot find these or are concerned about them you can contact the organisers and/or the local council licensing team to discuss your concerns and how these might be addressed.
Make sure that the event has the appropriate licence and alcohol management plan in place. |
If the event has been run before and there were alcohol-related problems associated with it, this must be a consideration for the licensing authorities. There might be a case for the enforcement agencies to oppose the licence and/or the District Licensing Committee to refuse to grant a licence or, at the very least, require additional requirements (conditions) on the licence. |
Depending of the timing you may wish/be able to object to the licence application, please check out how to object to a liquor licence application.
If you are planning to attend the event be prepared to keep a note/photo of any specific alcohol-related incidences.
Inform event organisers and/or attending Police or security of any alcohol-related issues you observe.
A lot of alcohol-related problems go unreported. It is then difficult for anyone to address these in the future. Your reporting of alcohol-related problems can assist authorities in making informed decisions about future events/licences. |
If you are not attending the event but the event is impacting on you (e.g. you live near the venue) keep a log of the incidents associated with it. Then report these incidences to the Police and/or local Council.
Report any incidences associated with the event to your local Police and/or local Council. If it was a licensed event ensure your concerns go to the licensing team at your local council.
To make an objection to any future licence applications for this event, please check out how to object to a liquor licence.
It is incredibly common for alcohol to be associated with events. However, alcohol-free events can be just as enjoyable and can assist with creating safer environments for families and young people.
A wonderful resource has been developed by ZEAL to enable young people to organise alcohol-free events. Click below.
Be a responsible host. Things to remember if alcohol is part of your party/event
Make sure you have some areas, drinks and activities that are alcohol-free so the wishes of those who don’t wish to drink are catered for and valued.
Make sure all your guests have a safe ride home with a sober driver or have a place to stay.
Consider the possibility of gate-crashers and have a plan to deal with these.
If you are involved in planning a Large Public event here are some guidelines to assist you and any others.